Shamus Goss, the Successful Entrepreneur, Shares His Own Experiences to Motivate the Young Entrepreneurs

Shamus Goss was born and raised in the South Bronx and spent his youth learning how to survive in a world of persistent threats and challenges. He faced adversity from the beginning and navigated life’s obstacle course the best that he could. He made mistakes along the way but learned from them instead of letting them define him. For Shamus, every win and every loss became a part of who he is today. much of his youth was turbulent, but the strength and guidance of his family pulled him through.

Shamus truly believes that what’s important isn’t your circumstances but what you do with them and the decisions you make. He struggled through middle school and nearly fell victim to a negative environment that keeps so many young people from reaching success. After moving in with his sister, his perspective changed and he realized what he could accomplish with some hard work. After dedicating himself to his studies, he not only excelled in high school but graduated six months earlier than the rest of his class.

His early experience helped him to become the entrepreneur he is today. He learned at a young age how to build from the bottom up. He learned how to change your circumstances and create something that changes your life. Once he had a taste of success, he kept pushing forward seeking out new opportunities to build success. He entered the music industry at the age of 17 and made a name for himself starting his own record Label and making strong connections with artists. He quickly found success in this realm, but new that he wanted more.

In 2002, Shamus moved to Atlanta where he pursued new opportunities and built a career across multiple entrepreneurial ventures. He found great success within the apparel industry forming one of Atlanta’s most successful team apparel stores, founded Magneto Home Solutions, and assisted other businesses with his digital marketing company Major Change Media. Through dedication and outside the box thinking, Shamus has managed to find success in a wide range of industries and now shares what he’s learned with others coming up in the business world.

He believes strongly that there are two critically important aspects to succeeding as an entrepreneur. The first consideration is all about the way you think. Shamus tells his business clients and young people he mentors that innovation is key. Understanding that old thinking won’t get new results, Shamus takes a new approach to business and shares his insights with others climbing the ladder to success. The second component of success in modern business is understanding and maximizing web presence.

To bring both of these elements together, Major Change Media uses innovative marketing solutions to grow a brand’s online presence to reach an international audience. Incorporating social media marketing and strong branding, Shamus gives small businesses the tools to succeed. When he is not hard at work with his multiple businesses, Shamus can be found working with his other passion, his non-profit organization H.E.L.P providing resources to the homeless population of Atlanta.

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