How ClickASnap Protects Your Photos and Your Rights to Them

Any time you share your content online whether it’s a photo, video or a music track, you are essentially giving the world access to it. So, the platform you choose to share your content on, matters. But it’s not just the people on the internet you need to protect your content from, sometimes, you need to protect your content from the very platform on which you are uploading your content. When signing up, all platforms ask you to accept their terms of use before they let you share your content. It is important to understand those terms to determine how the ownership of your content will work and whether those platforms are forcing you to let them use your content without compensating you for it. 

ClickASnap is one of the most transparent photo-sharing platforms out there and it has the systems in place to help you grow as a photographer while keeping your content, truly yours. We need to mention this right off the bat, ClickASnap does not claim any ownership of your content and doesn’t force you to give up any rights to your content. It also doesn’t let third parties use your content. However straightforward it seems, this is not something that you find on a lot of photo-sharing platforms out there. Such free photo-sharing platforms usually come at a price. 

One of our most favourite features of ClickASnap is the WIPT Image Protection System, which is available for pro accounts on ClickASnap. When you upload your photos, they are at risk of being stolen with a simple right-click and ‘save image’. Or they can use the print screen function on their device to capture your image. Your photos can then be used without your authorisation. Some platforms disable the right-click function or watermark the screengrab. But in those instances, the photos still remain vulnerable to the print screen function. WIPT system not only disables the right click function but it renders the print screen function obsolete, which means your photos remain protected. When someone tries to use the print screen function, all they get is the message that reads ‘Images on are copyrighted. Please request clearance from the author prior to usage.

The protection and ownership of your digital assets are very important and you should assess them when choosing a platform on which to share your content. With ClickASnap, you remain the sole owner of your photos, which remain protected from the trickeries of photo stealers.

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