Approaching Half A Million Fans, MPR Riche Rich Has His Eyes Set on Success

MPR Riche Rich is not your average rapper in the hip hop scene. He first began releasing music six years ago, which was the start of his rap uprising. MPR Riche Rich now has 460k followers on Instagram and hopes to reach his milestone of 500k in the next couple of months. Riche Rich makes achieving these numbers look easy thanks to his talent mixed with hard work ethic.

Coming from Detroit, Michigan, MPR Riche Rich grew up in a poverty-stricken area. This motivated the rapper to make it out of his current situation to help his family and the hood he grew up in. He began music officially in 2016 when he linked up with his engineer and began rapping over beats, he would find.

Now fast-forwarding to now, MPR Riche Rich is closing in on half a million fans on Instagram. At his current rate of growing fans, the Detroit native should be hitting his 500k milestone by February.

Follow MPR Riche Rich on Instagram here.

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