Self help books that are worth a read

Self-help books are amongst the most sold books on the market. Some have even become a phenomenon all over the world, even though finding the time to read books might be challenging at the moment. To make your life easier and you don’t waste time choosing your next book, we brought you some ideas for finding the best bestselling self-help books on the market.

Thus, if you’re interested in becoming a better you, you cannot miss the titles below.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

This book, written by David Allen, talks about the details of a productivity system that helps millions of people manage multiple projects simultaneously. This approach helps readers establish control and avoid stress while achieving all their own goals. This technique applies to different nuances of daily life. 

For instance, if you want to start a new financial project like making real money online casino, this book offers clear instructions on how to plan it, execute and apply a step-by-step approach in achieving the goal. It helps to establish control and avoid stress when facing a new challenge as online casinos might be at first.

The 80/20 Principle 

This book, written by Richard Koch, might be the book for you if you want to be more productive and get better results from your work. It suggests that 80% of results can be achieved with only 20% of the effort. The statement probably makes sense when you think of all the spreadsheets you fill in that do not make you move forward. Regardless of what you do for a living, this book is definitely helpful, especially now that time has become a precious resource.

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Jon Kabat-Zinn wrote this book offering a step-by-step guide that helps people practice mindfulness and other meditation techniques. His approach was already known once our minds are constantly consumed with thoughts about the past or future, which is a behavior often related to anxiety and depression by taking us out of the present and away from what truly matters.

You Are a Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Jen Sincero is the writer responsible for one of the most popular books available in the bookstore. This book spells out the hurtful truth that most of us are not capable of noticing: Our nagging doubts and worries that hold us back from achieving what we actually can. The book is here to teach us about our best selves by telling us “that you are already a badass so, it’s time to start believing it!”

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