Raul Francois Russian Morrison Explains Cattle Investment Opportunities

Raul Francois Russian Morrison is a contractor within the oil and gas industry. However, he also invests in other areas, including cattle. He believes that cattle investment can provide excellent opportunities for wealth diversification.


You’ve certainly heard of crowdfunding, which has become popular recently. However, you may not have heard of crowd farming. The principle is essentially the same.

It allows you to own tangible assets like cattle, crops, or farmland. The farmer cares for the cattle, and both of you benefit when the cattle are sold.

The process begins with you purchasing young calves from the farmer, typically through a platform like Livestockwealth. The farmer cares for the cattle until maturity.

When the cattle are ready for market, the farmer purchases the cattle back from you. This provides the funding needed for the farmer to care for the cows and gives you a great return on your investment.

The farmer can then sell the cattle or keep them as a tangible asset.

Why Invest In Cattle?

There are certainly more glamorous investment opportunities. However, there are some reasons to choose to invest in cattle, according to Raul Francois Russian Morrison.

In most industries, industry growth is hard to predict. When it comes to the agricultural industry, growth is virtually guaranteed. Food is necessary for humanity, and agriculture is the method that produces it. This makes the industry an excellent investment opportunity.

Agriculture also provides a significant return on your investment. According to Raul Francois Russian Morrison, U.S. bonds have an average return of 5%. U.S. stocks perform better on average, with a return of 9%.

Agriculture, however, has an average return of 10%. This provides a better return than stocks, bonds, gold, and real estate.

The industry also provides a hedge against inflation and stock market fluctuations. It’s an excellent source of steady passive income.

When you invest in cattle, the terms are agreed upon beforehand. The average contract length is 3 years. You’ll negotiate with the farmer to determine your rate of return.

Not only do you have a tangible asset, but you also have a definite timeline and profit margin.

Cattle Investment Makes a Difference 

Raul Francois Russian Morrison notes that cattle production in many parts of the world is underdeveloped. In Brazil, for example, 90% of cattle farms are not operating efficiently.

When you invest in cattle, you give farmers the resources they need to operate efficiently. This can significantly improve their profits, reduce environmental impact, and increase cattle production.

Raul Francois Russian Morrison

Raul Francois Russian Morrison received a bachelor’s degree from Venezuela Central University. He received a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Business.

He has acted as the ad honorem instructor at the Oil Facilities Physical Security Training School in Punta de Manta since 2016. He has also consulted on drilling management within the Punta de Mata Division since 2016.

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