Planning Makes Perfect: Elias Castro is Helping Generations Succeed Financially

The reality of today’s America shows far too many people at a loss when it comes to personal finances.  Confusing markets and the constant threat of being taken advantage of has created divide between those who know how to navigate and those not even able to enter the playing field.  Elias Castro is on a mission to eliminate this learning gap by helping people plan their financial futures.  He stated in an interview, “I want people to know that there is hope to be financially stable and debt free. There is a better way to live other than a 9 – 5 job or ‘Just Over Broke.’  You can become a business owner and create unlimited income and live the life you always wanted by breaking generational cycles of poverty and learning financial literacy at any age.  You may not have come from a rich family, but a rich family can come from you.”

His company is a financial broker dealer that works with the top 200 major finance and insurance companies in the United States and Canada.  Offices are located across the states, and Elias plans on opening multiple agencies in the next few years.  He believes that his ability to connect with clients and provide the utmost customer service through building trust and communicating clearly and openly will help him achieve the goal of creating 1 million job opportunists and 1 million clients.

Keep up with Elias Castro on Instagram here

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