Patrick Tucker: a Rising Entrepreneur and Financial Advisor

The global COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of thousands of people in the United States and millions throughout the world. Thousands upon thousands of Americans are now suffering from financial management problems. Estimates state that nearly half of the country’s population are facing financial problems. This problem is real and getting worse, and our education systems are not set up to help young people with financial management knowledge to thrive in today’s new and changed economy. With hope entrepreneurs and financial advisors, like Patrick, will begin to plan roles to educate people about finance.  Focusing on teaching client’s to manage their finances correctly, manage debts, and use both to be better positioned to bring growth in today’s economy with knowledge and skills that they were not getting within our education system.

Patrick Tucker revolutionized the financial education industry. With 25+ years of experience, he specializes in marketing and finance. With a passion for learning and teaching others, he has coached hundreds of financial advisors to operate as an entrepreneur. As the son of a teacher and a nurse, Patrick always had an insatiable appetite for teaching and caring for others and learning about health, finance and entrepreneurship, human behavior, and more. 

Tucker observed the root cause of the lack of financial consciousness among people, and it was the lag in our educational structure. Not just school and educational institutions, but even guardians do not give much-needed training and leave their children with a presumed sense of money-monitoring. It breaks loose when young people are faced with challenges such as paying off students’ debts, buying their first car, or being broke at the month-end due to reckless spending. 

With years of continuous learning and teaching, Patrick Tucker built his financial advisor course and coaching firm named True Measure Advisors. He traveled worldwide to train financial advisors for corporates, but due to the pandemic, Patrick is now restricting all his sessions and content to online platforms. 

Patrick is helping people organize, decipher, simplify, and execute decisions around money. People come to him overwhelmed; they don’t even know where to begin. He always tries to reduce their complexity by providing clarity and the right direction to execute on. Patrick puts a humane touch to his business, and that’s what boosts his empathy with his clients and puts him in a better spot to guide them and take them out of their miseries. His goal is more significant than just printing dollars; he wants to change the way people treat their bank accounts; he wants to bring about a transition in financial education. 

Transforming the way of Financial teaching

Through his coaching and well-planned free and paid courses, Patrick has helped thousands of people achieve their business dreams in the past 25 years. Knowing that many other people were struggling to manage their finances, Patrick and his team started guiding people young and old to manage their finances. 

Tucker’s consultation is not binding by a guidebook; instead, it’s a tailored process that matches everyone’s needs. All of his clients come to him with different problems, and they all have different goals, and that’s why he has curated various courses for people seeking distinct help in mastering their money. In the course of his career, he has managed to consult young entrepreneurs, young couples, small and medium-sized business owners, people trying to overcome circumstances, and many more. 

Patrick’s journey

His journey traces back to his first job in UPS, where he observed the need for a financial advisor, and later on, he started working at a bank. Soon after, he was spotted training corporate financial advisors, and that’s how he polished and owned professional skills up his sleeves. It took Tucker some years before establishing his own firm and started making money with his winning advice and problem-solving skills. 

The firm was built on the idea of ​​teaching the younger generation the principles of financial management. Patrick has designed courses for all age groups: whether they are a widow, young adult, or an older man. They offer financial-hacking knowledge, allowing many of their students to gain knowledge in financial education for almost free. Patrick has helped thousands of young entrepreneurs take advantage of their financial freedom by sharing much of the content on their social media accounts.

Patrick credits his growth to his principles of being an avid learner who’s always keen to expand his horizons and create an opportunity in a barren land. He built True Measure Wealth Management with the pillars of what he truly believes in; the backbone of learning, a passion for teaching, and a dedication to doing good for our community and the world. In his work, Patrick’s belief blessed him with a dedicated team that’s like-minded and working towards making the community healthier and prosperous by raising awareness, keeping engaged, staying accessible, and giving out free content for those who like to learn. 

Tucker’s journey hasn’t been on an ever-rising graph; he has slipped at a few steps and detoured at a few miles, but his perseverance made him a star entrepreneur who is now an icon for young business owners. We all desire to become wealthy, happy, and mindful, but there’s more than one way to do that. Instead of working hard, we also need to work smart to keep up with the fast-moving world’s pace. Your goal shouldn’t be to earn money but to sustain the earned money, and unfortunately, most of us fail at doing so. Patrick Tucker is here to teach us how. 

If you’re curious to know how to become a smart financer, you can reach out to him for his professional guidance or check out his website to read the blogs he has written. Most people need a hero to look up to; many aspiring business coaches are likely to treat Patrick Tucker how he sees his idols in a few years. 

For more info about him, follow him on YouTube and Facebook.

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