MohrWolfe’s 3 Pillars of Marketing Success

Let’s face it, finding your way around new industries is as hard as listening to a mumble rap verse. The ‘infobesity’ (information + obesity) and overwhelming profile these new environments bring can often be intimidating to newcomers. Imagine a time where you had to drop everything you’re doing like a hot potato and starting all over.

Wait…that’s exactly what’s happening to you – but you shouldn’t be worried. Why should you?

Marketing & business management firm MohrWolfe, outlines it’s 3 prominent pillars you can follow to survive and even flourish during the pandemic; or as he calls it: a “bandemic,” which refers to an infectious disease that spreads throughout an area, motivating people to stack their money throughout a time of crisis. 

In other words, learn how to become #recessionproof.

Consistency is key

Remaining consistent in whatever you’re doing is important. Whether it’s building content for your social media profile, sending cold emails to prospective clients, or reading every day, consistency helps you bang out smaller goals to fulfill the larger ones. Author Chet Holmes talks a lot about the importance of building a pigheaded discipline and determination in your daily life. When you find you are doing something wrong, slowly (but surely) you learn from these mistakes, avoid those bad habits, and replace them with better ones. Once you start figuring out what works for you, remaining consistent and staying on track will help you thrive in whatever endeavor you may be facing. 

So get up! MohrWolfe encourages you to crank up your energy and get things done because the longer you wait, the harder it is to surpass your competition.

Surround yourself with success

It has become much easier than ever to find successful individuals that do the same thing you do (or want to do). The internet is the largest networking platform you’ll ever come across, and now that it’s easily accessible, it is one of the most important tools for finding like-minded individuals. For example, as someone tweeting every day about something you’re passionate about and jumping into conversations with thought leaders, idols, and, yes, even celebrities, chances are you may receive recognition from the community for your efforts, which gives you that sense of validation and accomplishment. This goes a long way in boosting your credibility for future content as long as you remember to remain consistent.

Imagine hanging out with your favorite motivational speaker- maybe Gary Vee, Tai Lopez, or even Tony Robbins. These individuals specifically are drowning in success and it was not sprouted from surrounding themselves with people hosting visions alike, but those who were driven. Finding what drives you to be your best self starts with the people you’re surrounded with. “I always thought I stood out from my friend groups because I would talk to myself and say things like ‘couldn’t I be doing something more important with my time than hanging out and doing nothing?’ Or ‘how can I monetize this time with the talents I have with the people I know?’ Your network is wider than you think and many of these successful personas you know might offer you the opportunity to get out and help you find what you want to do. All it takes is a key motivator to push those certain buttons in your brain whether it’s your subconscious or someone you look up to” Ashton Wolfe states. Don’t be afraid to separate yourself from toxicity if that’s what it takes for you to flourish into the person you want to be.

Create YOUR identity the way YOU want it

The market is jam-packed with courses on how to market and pimp yourself on social media, fish for likes, and secure engagements. The core principle each course will tell you is to be yourself. With this being the biggest takeaway, you need to remove your desire for validation from people and continuously shoot your shot on your own terms (as cliché as it sounds). Find media outlets you read daily that are specific to your niche or simply what you like, reach out to journalists, and build relationships with them. If you are creating something or feel you have value to bring to the table, a lot of people will be willing to hear your story (and maybe even publish you in one of their media outlets). Sometime last year, MohrWolfe met Saurabh Singla from Disrupt Magazine and simply reached out because they felt that they had a compelling story to tell and found that Saraubh’s writing style is unique. This simple connection and relationship building tactic helped the company land its recent feature on the large media hub which outlines the importance of building your digital identity and the freedom you can enjoy by moving to the startup life.

Of course, this is not going to be easy. Sure, it’s easy to find quick solutions to score a quick buck, but keep in mind the painful truth that nothing fast ever lasts. Remaining consistent in whatever you do while absorbing valuable insight from credible sources in your circle is a long term play that will pay off big later down the line.

There will be times when you’ll feel stuck, but it’s important not to give in to those emotions. This can be a very tough trap to avoid as we have all been in this position one way or another. Everyone is unique in their own way and it will take time to find your true calling. There is plenty of inspiration around you if you look closely enough.

If you really can’t find it, the guys at MohrWolfe can help you look for it.

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