Meet Brandon Nguyen, Direct Response Marketing Mogul

“I’m always learning crazy lessons, always looking back 2-3 months and seeing things in a new light- learning new lessons, becoming better.”

Read on to learn from entrepreneur, mentor, and direct response marketer Brandon Nguyen just how treacherous yet still thrillingly adventurous the journey of entrepreneurship can be especially if you plan to start from a young age with no experience like he did.

We aim to bring you real-life examples to better inform and equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed. Valuable information that you probably wouldn’t otherwise get exposure to until later in your pursuit of success which can often be a little too late.

“I finished my first year of university 2018-2019 with a 1.2 GPA so that forced me to find another alternative.” Brandon decided to open an eCommerce store after seeing an ad online in 2019 at the age of 19 and in that first year he experienced a rollercoaster of success, failure, nothingness, long working hours, and success again. 

Now at 22, he doesn’t regret his decision, far from it, having sold over $15M+ online in the past year across his many eCommerce stores and earning $1,000,000 in revenue, none of which are typical results in any sense. In his second year of business is when Brandon found a true love for marketing, business, and generated $10,000,000 in revenue. The marketing mogul is so grateful and he dedicates his limited spare time to helping others achieve the same level of success.

“I am on a journey to make an impact on other people’s lives with my skills and experience. I was raised in a lower-class family, had to find out ways to be independent growing up (working a job when I was 12), and since then, figuring out every single way to make money because my parents are super frugal.”

“I practice what I preach and I am foundationally sound when it comes to business and marketing which allows me to get massive results regardless of what industry and niche I’m in. Because of that, I’ve been through many challenges and I’m now in a position to teach people how to think outside the box and solve problems in business.”

“I’ve taken on the responsibility to give others a perspective they wouldn’t be able to see on their own unless they go through tons and thousands of dollars of trial and error like I did.”

“It excites me to hear success from others and how their lives have changed from watching my content on Youtube and just following my journey. There are quite a few people who were able to watch my journey from zero and I am really grateful for their loyal support and I’m very humbled by it.”

Being one of the most reputable content creators in the eCommerce space online it’s eye-opening to learn that the biggest thing that keeps Brandon going is the fact that his goals aren’t money-based, that’s pretty dope right?

One question we have for you is: What would you like to be remembered for when you’re successful?

You can follow Brandon on all socials ​​@yengub

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