Kenneth Sullivan, a leading entrepreneur working for the betterment of others

Some have a big vision like building their dream house, getting a dream car. Whereas some work and look forward to giving back to society. One of the kind-hearted personality is Kenneth Sullivan. Kenneth firmly believes in the power of God to redirect lives. As the Senior Pastor of New Direction Church, his priority is to pour into the lives of youth and young adults in the city of Indianapolis.

Kenneth lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. To empower many, Kenneth has been a community leader where he serves on several advisory boards and supports, initiatives focused on economic empowerment, community engagement and youth development.

Kenneth shares his wisdom through writing and videos. He has a YouTube Channel with a huge following.

He has published two books that are written using proven biblical methods.

His first book entitled “Rules of Engagement,” a practical and relational teaching guide for women who want to learn how to successfully build the relationship they desire by Christ-centred methods. Recently he released his second book “Love & Verses,” which teaches people how to build healthy and strong marriages and relationships using proven biblical methods.

Kenneth has a long term vision to serve society. He wants to lead people who is honourable and commendable. He strives to make a difference.

Kenneth has also come with an organisation, S.A.V.E.S which is strictly geared towards developing programs, camps, events, and scholarship opportunities that help to reduce violence and crime in the surrounding communities and give youth and their family’s alternatives to help them grow, learn, and succeed.

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