How to Build a Life You Love

Have you ever heard the saying that you should build a life that you don’t need a vacation from and wondered what that mean? Why would you want to get rid of vacations? At the core of this saying is the idea that your life should not be something you dream of escaping. Taking vacations are great, but what if you spent more days of your life doing things you love instead of carving out a couple of weeks each year for that? The tips below can help you change your life into something that better reflects your values and interests.

Brainstorming and Assessing

First, you need to make a list of the things in life that are important to you. You might have things on this list such as time with family and friends or hobbies such as knitting or hiking. Next, think about your days and make another list of what you do on an ordinary day. Do you see a discrepancy? Is there too little or no time at all for the things you really value? Are you squeezing in the things you love around a lot of should’s and ought to’s? This can help you start to figure out what you can eliminate to make room for the things that matter.

Time and Money

These are generally the two limitations on spending more time living the life you love, so you should take a look at how you can generate more or waste less of both. You may find that you spend a lot of time participating in activities you don’t particularly enjoy. This is your cue to drop those activities. The same may be true for money. What are you spending your money on that doesn’t matter to you, and what could you be doing with it instead? You could also look for ways to reduce your expenses and even sell assets you don’t need. It may be possible to sell some types of life insurance policies through a life settlement and get a substantial amount of money. You need to go through a life settlement company to do this, and reviewing a guide on evaluating the best companies can help you choose one in making your decision.

Understand the Role of Work

At this point, some think what they need to do is make a career change. For those, this is great advice, but don’t assume that you need a new job simply because the one you have isn’t deeply meaningful to you. In fact, turning a hobby into a job ruins the hobby for some. If you have a real drive to pursue a different career, you should absolutely go for it, but there’s also nothing wrong with making the decision that you want a job that will create minimal stress and that you can leave behind at the end of each work day to focus on the things that matter most to you. In other words, it’s okay for your job to simply be a means to an end.

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