How Mimi Bouchard Manifested Her Dream Life

Mimi Bouchard has just about done it all: from being a podcast host to her top 100 most listened to podcast, a social media influencer with over 180,000 followers on Instagram, a TV star and an entrepreneur and an author of her weight loss eBook called Body Reset Plan. With all these impressive accomplishments and future goals she has set in place, we go behind the brand to find out how she got to where she is today and how she manifested her dream life…

Did you always know the direction in which you wanted to take your life?

Definitely not. All I knew growing up was that I wanted to live an extraordinary life. I wanted to be different. I was always testing the status quo. The only time in my life that I tried to be “average” was in my teens, I was so consumed with what the world thought of me. I wanted to fit in so badly. I went through a huge life epiphany at 18 and never turned back.

What processes have you implemented to get yourself to where you are today?

Everything started with reading personal development books and creating the ideal morning routine. This routine gave me clarity and motivation that brought me strength throughout my day and truly acquainted me with the person I wanted to become. The true me. Starting my day with journaling, meditation, gratitude and visualization, I could finally see who it truly was I wanted to be and how I wanted to live my life. I was always a writer, I loved to write ever since I was a kid. The writing process I started implementing in my morning routine was truly the writing that changed my perspective. I began to live my life as though I already was everything I was visualizing. I started acting as if everything already was, and this was when my life started truly transforming.

Can you expand a bit more on visualization?

Visualization can be done in many ways. I actually use this tool differently a few times throughout my morning routine. I write out a set of “goals”, let’s call them “actions” that I want to attain in every section of my life. Whether this be in my career, in my relationships or my personal desires. Every morning, writing out a few points in each category allows me to think deeply about how I see my ideal life. How can you know how you want to live your life if you can’t write it out or visualize it? The second part of my visualization takes place during my guided meditation where I focus on the future instead of the memories of my past. Here is where I picture with great detail certain areas of my life that I am excited about and how I want to be as a person regarding traits I am happy with and what needs to change. I often do Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations or my own that I’ve pre-recorded. I’ll be launching my own meditations soon when I release my app, Mimi Method.

Have you found it hard to keep on such a structured routine when things do not pan out as expected?

I mean, we all have our down days, I’m certainly no different in that department. Of course, I would like to see improvements happen faster sometimes and I truly do get down if I can’t see results fast enough. I’m super impatient. I hate plateaus. They key is pushing past whatever plateau in any section of your life and knowing that consistency is key. I’m constantly working on loving the journey, and the more and more I fall in love with it, the better my life becomes.

How do you find the motivation to keep pushing through and keeping your eye on the prize?

I’ve definitely gone off my routine a few times since having built my ideal habits and to tell you the truth, once this happens for an hour or even a day, I feel off and crave going back. It’s part of my identity now, this version of me. How good I feel being on the ball is all I personally need to get back on track. My morning routine is what keeps me motivated. When you visualize your ideal life and get a taste of what it is like there is no going back; especially once you start seeing the results and feeling the difference.

How long did it take to start seeing results?

My sister has always said that I am a different breed of human! I know that sounds weird, but I have this innate craving for success and this pushes me to work extra hard. This being said, I have always had to work for everything I’ve achieved, even if it didn’t take me too long to get there. I am not talking days or months, but I would say my first real transformation

happened within the span of a year for sure. When you focus all your positive energy towards something, the universe works in magical ways.

What is the biggest thing you have learnt throughout this journey?

I have truly learnt so much about myself and my inner potential. This is something I feel so grateful for because this journey has brought me closer to myself and those I love. The number one most important thing in life is personal growth. Beyond any financial or body goal you have, the mental work that comes with this process is the most rewarding to me. This is something that you have to constantly work on but will be there with you for the rest of your days. Self-love is my number one!

What are your top two favourite books that touch on manifestation?

This one is tough because I am such a reader and find that I connect more to different books at different times of my life. This being said, The Secret is an incredible book especially for people who are just starting out with manifestation. On a general success/personal development note, my top book recommendations are The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, The 5am Club by Robin Sharma, and anything by Tony Robbins.

Can you give us three dummy proof steps for visualization for beginners?

The number one step to take when visualizing is to write out what you want! I do these in categories for example what I want out of my career, relationships, financially, material things etc. When you write out what you want you have tangible information to refer back to. It also makes things a lot clearer. The second most important step to take is to re-read! Every morning I read over my life goals that I want to manifest. The third thing is taking time to close your eyes and sit comfortably while you focus deeply on what this life looks like to you. This attracts so much positive energy towards the life you will be living, this part truly gives me the most motivation! Lastly, you’ve gotta put the work in. Taking action is the #1 key to any success.

For our last question, what motivates you the most?

The thought alone that we all only live once. My biggest fear in life is waking up one morning in my 90s, looking back on my life, and realizing that I could’ve done more. Been more. My deep fear of regret is the most motivating thing in the world to me.

You can follow Mimi on Instagram @mimibouchard & listen to her podcast at

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