Credentialled Rotarian Ian Mitchell King On The Importance of Community Involvement

Former Lt. Ian Mitchell King is an advocate for community involvement at all levels. Rather than just speak about it, he demonstrates his commitment through his philanthropic work, volunteering his time and resources at Hope Garden homeless shelter, the San Fernando Valley rescue mission, PALS youth center, Pasadena homeless shelter, and many other organizations that serve the underprivileged members of the community. Ian Mitchel King goes above and beyond this physical determination by being a successful and accomplished member of the Rotary – often called a Rotarian.

Ian Mitchel King – Serial Rotarian

What started as a group of the elite has evolved and changed into members of the community that are actively seeking to change the world on a global level, all while starting at home. Rotaries are a collection of circles that accept membership from other people and pool their efforts, resources, and time into defining and solving problems on a local, national, and even international scale. Ian Mitchell King of Los Angeles 5 Rotary believes that the impact on a global scale happens at home. The different chapters he is part of speak volumes in their dedication to being Rotarians with a global reach.

The goals of the Rotarian are lofty and include helping battered women, supporting the education of young children, ending poverty, fighting hunger and disease, and overall making the community a better place for its citizens. This may seem like an impossible task, but Rotarians are usually impossible people. Ian Mitchell King exemplifies his determination through his years in the Marine Corps and in the Navy, as a member of the Bar (ABA), and being an accomplished business consultant. His accolades and connections within the Rotary qualify each member for strategic planning, teamwork, and outstanding philanthropical work.

King is currently part of the Pasadena Rotary, Studio City/Sherman Oaks Rotary, Granada Hills Rotary, Los Angeles 5 Rotary, and San Fernando Valley Evening Rotary.

Going Beyond the Rotary

While King is a paragon of community involvement through his many Rotary memberships and projects, his disciplined past has put him in a great position to be able to assist those in need through other avenues as well. While he is a successful business consultant, he has never changed his attitude towards giving back. He volunteers his time through homeless outreach to survivors of domestic violence and other underprivileged young people and veterans.

Ian King underscores the importance of faith throughout the community network and donates to the Aleph Institute, Surfers United, and Rose Parade. These religious organizations are extremely happy about the support as they are further able to assist those in need who both attend service or maybe in an area of their life where they could use some assistance.

Through his honorable military service, Ian Mitchell King is also eligible to further assist veterans in unique ways. He is a member of both the American Legion and the Marine Corps League, which pre-screen their membership candidates for their accomplishments and performance that they have provided in the defense and service of the United States.

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