Cart Abandonment Emails: The Ultimate Tactic to Recover Lost Customers

Every year around 75.22% of the total carts are abandoned, which means only 1 out of 4 transactions is successful.

The best solution to this problem is a cart abandonment email. 

Cart abandonment emails are follow-up emails sent to the customers who have had products in their carts for a long time and haven’t purchased them.

With an open rate of more than 48% and a conversion rate of 18.64%, these types of emails can be an effective way to recover lost customers. Email developers often consider using cart abandonment Mailchimp templates to increase the ROI of their email campaigns. 

Before going any further, let’s have a look at some of the reasons that lead to cart abandonment:

  • High price and shipping cost
  • Distractions
  • Lack of trust
  • Complex or time-consuming checkout process
  • No return or exchange policy

Let’s dive in straight away and check out ways to improve the cart abandonment emails:

  1. Catchy Subject Lines

The first and the most vital thing to be implemented right away into your abandonment emails should be using good catchy subject lines. 

Subject lines are the first impression of your emails and a deciding factor whether the customer will be prompted to open the email, read it, or simply ignore it.

The subject line is a crucial aspect of cart abandonment emails as  64% of the email recipients open the emails judging it from the subject line, so you have to be specific while framing the subject lines.

You can add the subscriber’s first name to personalize the subject line, that would add a human touch to the communication. Additionally, you can also include incentives to bring back the lost customer. Put on your thinking hat and think of an innovative way to draw attention to the subject line.  

  1. Segmentation

Every customer is unique and possesses individual likes and dislikes. So, it is of no use for you to send the same email template and expect a great response from everyone.

When customers receive personalized promotional emails, they are most likely to engage with the emails and the same goes with cart abandonment emails. 

Customized cart abandonment emails always work for your business, although it may consume more time and effort.

Segmenting your customers into different categories helps you to send emails to the relevant users at the correct time.

Here are some effective measures to segment your lists:

  • Type of products 
  • No of products in the cart
  • Value of the cart products
  • Loyal customers or first-time customers
  1. Discounts

One of the main reasons customers abandon their carts is due to the high shipping costs and product values. 

Offering a discount to the customers that have abandoned their carts can prove to be beneficial as it may pave ways for a successful transaction that was deemed to be abandoned by the customer.

Discounts can be a great way to achieve more sales by adding more customers to your business but these customers must not be at the cost of your profit ratio. 

Ensure that you are not parting away with huge discounts just for the sake of getting a particular transaction through as it may cost your business with losses later on. The discounts must be targeted on specific customers, products, cart value to make sure that you are still driving good revenue. 

Giving frequent discounts can usually lessen the value of your products. It is recommended to offer reward points to regular and devoted customers to increase a sense of loyalty rather than providing regular discounts.

  1. Reviews and ratings

88% of the customers claim that they are influenced by reviews and ratings to buy a product. Hence it is crystal clear that reviews and ratings have a huge potential which makes them an essential part of your abandonment emails. 

Reviews and ratings also give a sense of relief and an overall idea of the product to the customers.  

  1. Right frequency and timings

Sending emails at the right time is very important if you want your subscribers to respond. 

Here are a few tips that might help you with the best time to shoot your cart abandonment email:

  • Send your first email as soon as the cart is abandoned because you have only a few hours to win your customers back.
  • The second email must be sent after 24 hours and create a sense of urgency to drive the purchase. You can use phrases like “Hurry” or “Valid till stocks last” to encourage instant purchase. 

Wrapping it up

Cart abandonment emails play a crucial role in getting the lost customers back to your fray and increasing revenues for your business.

The above guide may help craft the right set of cart abandonment emails, which can give rise to the number of customers and thereby lead to boost the revenue of your business. So, start creating an effective cart abandonment email now.

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