Brad R Lambert Lists 3 Tips For Success and Happiness

A lot has been said about success and happiness. Some say they are connected or tied, but in reality, both are so incredibly important individually and need consistent effort to create and maintain. 

Brad R Lambert is an ambassador of happiness and success – He is a kindness champion who puts others before himself and he tries to add value and happiness to the lives around him. He wants to see others succeed and does whatever he can to assist their efforts. But who is Brad R Lambert? Brad is an International Speaker, Talent Manager, and Producer in Los Angeles, CA. 

His success began in high school and college, where he worked with professional athletes, teams, and global brands. Since moving to Los Angeles six years ago, Brad’s prominent collaboration partners include: Walt Disney Studios, Robert Downey Jr., Marvel Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures, Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Hemsworth, The Russo Brothers, The Pittsburgh Steelers, and more.

Currently, Brad is producing content (Film, TV, Digital), managing talent, writing a children’s book, consulting with major brands & studios, and speaking worldwide – But what makes Brad successful and happy? Here are his 3 tips: 

  • Authenticity

Speaking on “Authenticity”, Brad says: “In today’s world, it’s easy to slip and start comparing yourself to others and even begin to emulate what they are doing/have done because you think it’ll bring you success and/or happiness. This approach can get you into trouble because no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be that person…You are the only you and that’s who you need to be. Understand your strengths and weaknesses, embrace what makes you special, stay true to yourself, and be unapologetically you”.

Brad knows who he is and he isn’t shy about expressing himself. He’s a hard-working, passionate guy who loves to bring value and happiness to the people around him. “It’s easy to get caught up in Hollywood; the bright lights, red carpets, and VIP of it all; however I am out here to chase my passions and try to help as many people as I can in the process”. Brad is from Pittsburgh, PA; a blue-collar town that has a strong family core. “Whether you’re a friend, co-worker, or acquaintance, people accept you immediately – It’s a special place. Everyone is so kind, empathetic, and generous (unless you don’t root for the Steelers, Penguins, or Pirates). You don’t see that a lot anymore so I’m trying to keep it going”. Brad continues, “I’ve been away from Pittsburgh for 6 years and one of the best compliments I get is: “You haven’t changed at all, you’re still the same guy I remember”.

  • Lead with value

Speaking on “value”, Brad says: “Most people have their arms out asking for things – Jobs, money, opportunities, etc. Flip the script, change the game, and set a new standard by leading with value. It’s not what you can do for me, it’s what I can do for you. Bring value (big or small) to every room you walk into and watch how your life changes. You will be known as the person who is constantly adding value and helping where they can, instead of the person who is always asking for something…don’t be that person”.

Brad elaborates further, “In general, if you can do something nice for someone else, do it. Don’t hesitate. Not everything has to be a “transaction”, where you must get something back in return. Help because you can, not because you need something. At the end of the day, that one small gesture of kindness could change someone’s life and also your own…because at the very least, you will get much needed happiness in return”.

  • Win together

Speaking on “winning together”, Brad says: “For whatever reason, we’ve fallen into this mindset that everyone around us is competition. To even think of helping or assisting someone else is considered a “weakness” and detrimental to your own success or growth – This could not be more wrong. One of my favorite quotes is: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb”

 Lambert insists, “Build genuine relationships with others, focus on the long-term, elevate each other and win together”.


Do you want to be successful and happy? Try the above tips by Brad and see an exponential increase in your results. You can also connect with Brad R Lambert here. 

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