Back Breakout? 5 Ways to Address Body Acne

Do you suffer from body acne? You’re not alone. Many people experience bumps on their back, arms, and chest. Body acne can occur for different reasons, but it’s typically caused by friction and sweating. Because of this, there are quick solutions to help you combat body acne. Here are five tips to help you prevent those pesky breakouts once and for all:

1. Use Acne Treatment

Acne, regardless if it’s on your face, arms, or back, usually occurs when oil and bacteria get trapped beneath the skin. Once trapped, inflammation occurs, which causes acne to form. Body acne can also be the result of dead skin cells building up on the skin. Either way, one of the best ways to combat these bumps is with acne treatment. 

Did you know you can get prescribed acne medication? Not only are these types of treatments typically stronger than what you would find over the counter, but you can even have them delivered to your front door. There are many types of prescription medication. Such as antibiotics, birth control, and retinoids, to name a few.

Antibiotics can be taken orally or applied topically. Either way, they work by eliminating acne-causing bacteria. Birth control reduces the androgen levels (acne-causing hormones) in your body. Retinoids are a cream that contains vitamin A, which helps unclog pores. Each type of prescription medication has been known to combat acne; you just have to find the right one for you.

2. Take Off Workout Clothes

It’s never a bad idea to make time for exercise. After all, regular exercise can be incredibly beneficial to your well-being. It improves brain health, reduces the risk of disease, strengthens bones and muscles, and can help you maintain a healthy weight. With that said, exercise can cause you to sweat, which can potentially lead to body acne. 

If you’re noticing pimples on your body, consider your workout regimen. What’s the first thing you do after a sweaty workout? Do you immediately shower or sit in your clothes for a few hours? If you answered “yes” to the latter, that may be the reason for your breakouts. 

Sweaty clothes can irritate your skin due to exposure to yeast and bacteria. The longer you stay in sweaty clothes, the more likely the bacteria will disrupt the natural microbiome of the skin, leading to acne. Following your workout, make sure you take time to shower and put on clean clothes. 

3. Change Your Diet

Your diet can play a crucial role in the health of your skin; this is especially true when it comes to acne. Certain foods, like refined grains, sugar, dairy, and fast food, can wreak havoc on your skin. And while everyone’s body is different, many people who experience acne, notice a spike when consuming these foods.

Refined carbs absorb relatively quickly into the bloodstream, which can raise blood sugar levels. High levels of insulin increase androgen hormones in the body, which increases sebum (oil) and can cause acne. Dairy products are also known to increase insulin levels. 

Consider changing your diet by introducing skin-friendly food. For example, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, salmon, and turkey are great options. These foods contain minerals and antioxidants to promote healthy and clear skin. 

4. Exfoliate

A build-up of dead skin cells can cause body acne. And there are several reasons why you may have this build-up. Weather, age, dehydration, and sun exposure can all play a role. That’s why exfoliating is so important — it removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

Exfoliating helps unclog pores, keeping body acne at bay. It can also reduce the size of any current pimples you have. There are several ways, and different methods, you can use to exfoliate. A popular one is called mechanical exfoliating, which may be ideal if you have sensitive skin. With this, you simply run warm water over a brush or sponge and gently apply it to your skin. Make sure you’re being gentle and rubbing in small, circular motions. 

Another popular method is chemical exfoliating. With this method, you use products containing AHAs and BHAs, that unclog pores and remove dead skin cells. Exfoliating is a great way to keep your body acne at bay, as well as promote smooth skin.

5. Don’t Touch

What’s the first thing you want to do when you see a pimple? Pop it, right? Don’t! Popping pimples, regardless of where they’re located, won’t actually help. Squeezing only pushes bacteria deeper into the skin, which causes the bump to become even more inflamed. Popping can also cause acne scars, which can remain on your face long after the pimple is gone. 

It’s also worth mentioning that your hands are riddled with germs. Popping only spreads those germs to your face, which can cause further irritation. Next time you see a pimple, keep your hands away. With that said, there are ways you can speed up the healing process without popping.

Consider applying a warm compress to reduce the inflammation. Putting some hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on the bump can also help decrease its size. While this might go against what you’ve heard, waiting is better. After all, pimples only last between three to seven days. That’s not too long. 

Body acne doesn’t have to be permanent. By integrating the tips above, you can finally say goodbye to breakouts and enjoy clear-looking skin.

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