Avarea Alexander, founder of Heartstar Ministry, is a transformative spiritual counselor and healing facilitator who combines ancient Essene teachings with modern therapeutic practices. At Heartstar Ministry and the non-profit organization Altar of Life, Avarea guides individuals towards a renounced change in their lives. Her mission is to purify individuals and cause light body activation; she has dedicated her life to empowering others to release physical, emotional, and spiritual burdens, paving the way for self-realization and collective awakening. Through Heartstar Ministry, Avarea has created a sanctuary where individuals can embrace their divine nature and contribute to creating the “New Earth.” In this interview, Avarea shares her journey towards purification and how Heartstar Ministry revolutionizes lives. She also shares her vision for the future: the “New Earth.”
To start, could you share with us your journey? How did your personal experiences and spiritual path lead to the creation of Heartstar Ministry?
After a tumultuous and extremely traumatic childhood, I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening in my 20s and went down a very dark path into the underworld, unknowing that I had a kundalini awakening and the sheer shock of the life force moving through me brought up all of my past traumas, memories buried so deep in my psyche and soma, that at the time I was unequipped to face or handle on my own. By the grace of god, I received the call to go to Maui, and I heeded the call, packed a backpack and bought a one-way ticket. When I arrived and got off the plane, as my feet touched the ground, I felt an overwhelming sensation of my spirit descending down through my body; it was the first time I quite figuratively felt my feet in the ground and knew I had made the right decision. I encountered many healers in Maui and began my path of healing and purification. That was 25 years ago.
After 15 years on the path and being diligent in my practices, I went on a private retreat at a friend’s center and did 10 days of silence and fasting. I offered my heart to god in service and listened closely to what my source wanted of me; I heard, “Just be grateful,” and I thought, “Well, that’s easy.” About 2 weeks after I left, a person very dear to me asked me to help her cleanse, and since then, 10 years now, people have been reaching out to me asking for my help to cleanse and purify their vessels. There are thousands of people now, all by word of mouth or because they see someone’s transformation after they complete the cleansing process. Over many years of my own practice, I developed a guidance system that was duplicatable and quite effective. I founded Heartstar ministry in order to serve my dharmic offering to life in this way and stay pure and true in the offering. It is my highest joy to facilitate the activation of light body consciousness and witness as people’s lights turn on.
Heartstar Ministry emphasizes “purification and spiritual rebirth” as key elements of your mission. Can you elaborate on the core principles that guide your ministry and how they contribute to your vision of a “New Earth”?
We work with many different healing modalities, including gentle colon hydrotherapy, parasite excavation, high-frequency energy medicine, vibrational therapy, Breathwork, bodywork and nutritional support. I wrote a book, “Awakening Through the Path of Purification,” as a guidance system for a multidimensional combing and peeling through the layers in the psyche and soma that guides through the process of letting go of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual material that keeps us stuck in lower vibrational patterns that keep us looping in self-sabotaging and pain of retraumatization. Our practices are based on the essence gospel of peace, and we release multidimensionally all that does not serve our path to our own self-realization, which is our truest purpose in life. We believe in the innate capacity for self-healing and self-awakening. We also hold true to the planetary realization of our divine birthright to be embodied souls of a sovereign collective.
The concept of light body activation is central to your work. For those unfamiliar with it, could you explain what light body activation entails, and what tangible impacts it can have on individuals’ spiritual growth and daily lives?
Each day, we peel and comb through the layers of old material, past life trauma, current life trauma, and relational injury, and each day, we work with a specific light body of consciousness. There are 10 light bodies of consciousness that, when fully realized, can become a body of infinity, a torus field balanced with one’s own heart. Some of these light bodies are the soul body, physical body, projective mind, negative mind, auric field, pranic body etc. As these light bodies are activated, they change the way we perceive reality and lead to a more fulfilling life experience. When we have purged all the burdens of old “material” from the form, we become lighter, we activate the 144,000 meridians in the body, and we become lighter, naturally. The tangible impact is that we stop running through the same old patterns that keep showing up in our lives when we are holding onto density, pain body, and thought forms that do not serve us.
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Purification is another cornerstone of your teachings. What are some of the most transformative purification practices you recommend, and how do they align with modern spiritual needs?
Purging parasites and mucoid plaque from the system is by far the easiest way to upgrade the system. The gut and the health of our gut is our 3rd brain and also the center of our being. Intoning Vibrational mantras and deep breath work can move stuck energy faster than anything I have seen or experienced. These practices alone can free up so much energy in the system and free us from cravings, behaviors, and habits that are not life-affirming and open space for new experiences as well as a whole new way of life.
In your experience, what are some of the biggest challenges individuals face during their journey of purification and light body activation? How does your ministry support them through these transformative moments?
First of all, developing good habits is just as easy and far more rewarding than continuing bad habits. Our process makes it very easy and is a gentle way to process a lot of dense material rather swiftly and expediently. I feel that the hardest part for most people is not having adequate guidance from one who has trodden this path consistently as their own practice of mastery. We offer a safe sanctuary and only see wholeness as your true nature, meaning that all are welcome in the process of release, and we actually make it quite easy. Two things people always say are, “I cannot believe how easy this is,” and “I can’t believe how good I feel not eating,” and it really just comes down to an openness to let go and release all that has been and allowing and receiving a whole new approach to our life and the way we choose to live from now on.
Looking forward, what is your hope for the global spiritual community? How do you envision Heartstar Ministry contributing to a collective awakening and the creation of the “New Earth”?
My goal is to create a teachers’ training program and help others learn our process so that they may go and help their own communities to heal. My hope and living prayer for our global community is to remember who we are, support self-realization for all and awaken to the fact that we all come from the love of our SOURCE and can return to the heart of that knowing. It starts with each one being one and coming home to balance in our hearts and sharing our knowing from that space. Our hearts create resonance and sustain a field of what is real and true to life; this comes naturally when we know who we are, that we are all connected in heart and sharing a field in reverence for life.