Dr. Carlos Chacon Discusses Plastic Surgery and an Aging Face

From an early age, Dr. Carlos Chacon has always been passionate about plastic surgery. He sees it as one of the only surgical specialties that are as interesting as it is intricate. In addition to a distinctive set of skills, you also need a natural eye for the cosmetic side of the equation. Dr. Chacon has proudly offered both to many clients throughout his career through education, practice, and innovation. 

In the world of cosmetic surgery, one common request that he sees from many of his patients is removing signs of facial aging. In many ways, this makes sense, as someone’s face is one of the first things you see when you meet them for the first time. The good news is that you can rid yourself of those facial aging signs once and for all through the right approach with plastic surgery. You must keep a few key things in mind along the way. 

One of the most important keys to successful facial rejuvenation depends on the idea that all patients are unique to themselves. That is to say, while everyone ages, most people don’t do so similarly. Some may develop lines on their forehead and around their eyes, while others may have neither. Genetics and lifestyle play a role, among other factors.

Therefore, Dr. Carlos Chacon does not believe in the “one size fits all” approach to facial rejuvenation. He offers each patient a specific approach that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. 

Dr. Carlos Chacon uses various plastic surgery techniques to focus on the areas that are most likely to be directly impacted via facial aging. A facelift, for example, can be used to tackle excess or loose skin on or around the jawline and neck. They can also help eliminate marionette lines, usually between someone’s nose and mouth. You may have heard these called by their medical name: nasolabial folds. This type of procedure can also be used to eliminate sagging skin in the middle of someone’s face.

Several other techniques can also be used to help eliminate the signs of facial aging. Botox is widely accepted to minimize wrinkles. Fillers can be injected for enhanced facial contouring. The results you can achieve with these methods can be long lasting.

Of course, in addition to plastic surgery, one of the best ways to combat facial aging, Dr. Carlos Chacon explains that this involves making appropriate lifestyle changes. Make sure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet. Exercise regularly. Make it a priority to get an ample amount of sleep. Drink plenty of water. All of these things go a long way towards keeping you healthy and feeling great, which in and of itself is a perfect way to stave off the impact of facial aging for as long as possible.

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